Campaign In Russia: The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front [Download]

Topics: Eastern Front, Leo Degrelle, Russia, WW2, World War II, Germany, Downfall, Defeat, Rexist Party, Walloon, Genealogy
Publication: 1985
Language: English

Degrelle recounts the war in the East as he lived and fought it, across the sun-baked steppes of the Ukraine, in the depths of the marrow-chilling Russian winter, to the foothills of the Caucasus and the threshold of Asia, through the stinking mud and the flaming hell of Cherkassy, across the rolling plains of Estonia and the Pomeranian lake country. You'll be with him as time and time again he leads his men through torrents of shot and shell that would have daunted all but the most fearless. You'll learn what drove the 35-year-old Degrelle—a man who had never so much as fired a gun, a brilliant intellectual and his country's most charismatic political leader, idolized by the multitudes who followed him—to enlist as a private in the legion he himself organized to join his nation's conqueror in its fight against the Communist enemy.

You'll learn the other side of the Bitburg story, the epic of the Waffen SS, suppressed in the controlled media, told by a man whose unique literary talent and unmatched combat experience make him the premier spokesmen for his fallen comrades. War criminals? Victims of Hitlerism? Now you'll be able to judge for yourself.
